Sunday 13 May 2012

Insanity day 3 workout

Amazing! i feel great! as soon as i started working out, my aches and pains vanished- Sean T really knows what he's doing; and the voice which irritated me today was wonderful...I am growing to LOVE this man!

It was a similar workout to yesterday- lots of intense cardio, interspersed with really blissful stretches...i managed to just about complete it, except for the press up stuff which i couldn't do, so i just did my own version of press ups in this section (actually my press ups are getting better!!)

Just when you think you are about to die- he gives you a 30 second break for a drink of water. Now 30 seconds really IS NOT enough time to rest; which he knows of course this is max interval training, so he doesn't really let your heart rate drop, sometimes i really was not ready to re-begin after 30 secs and i was shouting at Sean T telling him so (but he didn't seem to hear)
This is the love/hate relationship that we are experiencing at the moment- i LOVE what he's doing but its F**king hard!!!

But seriously tho- I've seen the light! and my advice is to exercise through the aches- believe me it's worth it.
This is one glowing lady!

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