Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 10??

Day 10 insanity workout- cardio circuit:
I'm losing track of the days now!!
repeating cardio circuit from yesterday- it sort of moves my day off to saturday..
I know the moves well enough to not look at the dvd so much and i find this really helps as i can focus on my own breathing and speed- as i'm not as fast as the people on the dvd.
also the level 1 stuff (press ups, ski abs etc) on the floor is still so beyond my weakling arms that I'm now bringing my pink 1.5kg weights into the workout- using them for some arm punching and moves- with the hope that my biceps will get strong enough for me to do better press ups. To be fair they are getting easier but i need some strong arms to do all those Sean T moves!!

Tomorrow i'm gonna add some stomach crunches on to the end too- I feel like i'm sickened by my horrible tummy muscles every time i have to bend over- they droop to the floor (YUK)

I know all this extra is sort of cheating but i need to catch up with the others on the dvd...

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