Saturday 12 May 2012


Oh my god. i cannot express to you how hard this workout is. even the super fit people on the dvd were struggling.

it's intense man, when we were on the cool down, i shed a tear. honestly. i felt filled with emotion. my legs hurt, my face is still bright red (i finished a half hour ago plus i've showered)..i just know i'm gonna ache all over tomorrow.

There were points in the workout where i was going much slower than i should have, plus i paused the dvd about 3 times to catch my breath. on the press up section i did the first round and then fast forwarded to the punching section.

i sweated like mad- even on my forerams and hands and i had to puff my way through every exercise. i think i might have entered "the zone" at one point where my body was doing the motions but it suddely felt effortless, however this lasted for about 10 seconds, the rest of it was shear agony, from the warm up to the cool down...

It's day 2, thats ok, i probably should feel rubbish on day 2,
i'm not going to be deterred.

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