Tuesday, 15 May 2012

day 4 (try again)

I've just done the cardio recovery again (from yesterday) this is my new day 4!
It was sooooo much better today.
I found pretty much all of it manageable- apart from the crazy lunge holds when my thighs nearly locked in agony, plus my legs were shaking through some of the moves (i guess this is normal) BUT i managed to finish it all and even had enough energy left to do some sit ups and attempt push ups.

I ate a protein bar about an hour before my workout; i don't know if it was this that made the difference or just that i was feeling better today?? Who knows, but I'm glad i did it because now I'm feeling great again.

My main concern now is that my "abs" (stomach muscles) are really weak and my arms too....so that I might not benefit from the exercises like more fit people, so I'm going to work on these alongside the insanity workouts- I really think that this workout is made for people who already have a certain level of fitness (as I said before)

Having said this, I do feel that even in 4 days I am making progress with my body. The stretches feel easier. My bum feels tighter. My thighs seem stronger. The whole regime does not seem quite so daunting.
Oh and my lower back pain has really subsided- I think it might be getting stronger??
I'm so desperate to see the results that i feel really impatient!! and i want it to happen FAST. I guess i need to wait a few weeks to notice any real muscles emerging!!

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