Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 6 insanity workout

Day 6:
I felt like i could "hold in my core" today when I was working out! It was the same workout from day 2 (the one which nearly killed me and gave me great back pain etc) well today it was fine- yes it was BLOODY hard work and I sweated like a pig and had to keep panting very loudly (with the window open too- anyone walking past must have thought i was having a steamy sex session!!!) It's crazy- you feel like you come out of your body- like it becomes very 'body' if that makes sense- just muscle and lungs and sweat- at times i feel so detached from it that it's almost machine like.

Can't see any physical difference yet- perhaps a tightening of everything- I'm gonna do the next 3 weeks and if i need to maybe one more week before recovery week (and treat this week like a warm up)
feeling great. fab. love this feeling of euphoria that i get after- such a lovely inner peace. it's sooo nice.

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