Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 10??

Day 10 insanity workout- cardio circuit:
I'm losing track of the days now!!
repeating cardio circuit from yesterday- it sort of moves my day off to saturday..
I know the moves well enough to not look at the dvd so much and i find this really helps as i can focus on my own breathing and speed- as i'm not as fast as the people on the dvd.
also the level 1 stuff (press ups, ski abs etc) on the floor is still so beyond my weakling arms that I'm now bringing my pink 1.5kg weights into the workout- using them for some arm punching and moves- with the hope that my biceps will get strong enough for me to do better press ups. To be fair they are getting easier but i need some strong arms to do all those Sean T moves!!

Tomorrow i'm gonna add some stomach crunches on to the end too- I feel like i'm sickened by my horrible tummy muscles every time i have to bend over- they droop to the floor (YUK)

I know all this extra is sort of cheating but i need to catch up with the others on the dvd...

Monday 21 May 2012

day 10

Day 10 was a combination of insanity and a run with friends.
the run with friends was great-lasted about 45 mins- i treated it like a warm up- went straight into some abs and arm wirk and then went into the cool down stretches.
I will probably repeat day 10 tomorrow as I don't want to miss any bits out- plus then this will move my day off to saturday which is prob a good idea (at the week end)

Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 9 Insanity workout

day 9= "pure cardio"
woop woop i managed to do it all except some 'push up jacks' right at the end when i did some 'normal' press ups instead.
feeling really smug and self-satisfied...I've come such a long way since the last time I did this 'pure cardio' workout. I feel really proud of myself.
Sean T really knows what he's doing. I sweated like a pig and my body feels so great.
I finshed with a smile, ate my cereal bar, drank some hot water. In just over a week I feel like my attitude to exercise has completely changed= I'm sold!! I don't think i'll ever be the same again!!

day 8 workout

Day 8 insanity:
After my day 7 day off, felt enthusiastic about being back in the saddle- forgot how hard it was! this was the workout from day 2 (i remember it well) I don't think i could do all the moves back then (and i still couldn't today)- but it was great knowing that i'd made progress even in 1 week!!!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 6 insanity workout

Day 6:
I felt like i could "hold in my core" today when I was working out! It was the same workout from day 2 (the one which nearly killed me and gave me great back pain etc) well today it was fine- yes it was BLOODY hard work and I sweated like a pig and had to keep panting very loudly (with the window open too- anyone walking past must have thought i was having a steamy sex session!!!) It's crazy- you feel like you come out of your body- like it becomes very 'body' if that makes sense- just muscle and lungs and sweat- at times i feel so detached from it that it's almost machine like.

Can't see any physical difference yet- perhaps a tightening of everything- I'm gonna do the next 3 weeks and if i need to maybe one more week before recovery week (and treat this week like a warm up)
feeling great. fab. love this feeling of euphoria that i get after- such a lovely inner peace. it's sooo nice.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Day 5 insanity workout

Day 5: pure cardio
Even Sean T said he was worried about what was to about to come (halfway through the warm up) and his superfit team were dropping out all over the place! So I felt ok that I was feeling like shit and screaming at the telly as i went. Plus now I'm super exhausted and ready for bed!!!
Trying not to eat too late (he recommends stopping about 3/4 hours before you go to sleep- which is unheard of for me- I LOVE my mid night snacks- they are what I live for!!!)
Not noticing much change yet physically- although my daughter didn't laugh so much at me doing this workout compared to my old dance one- so I must be getting something right!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

day 4 (try again)

I've just done the cardio recovery again (from yesterday) this is my new day 4!
It was sooooo much better today.
I found pretty much all of it manageable- apart from the crazy lunge holds when my thighs nearly locked in agony, plus my legs were shaking through some of the moves (i guess this is normal) BUT i managed to finish it all and even had enough energy left to do some sit ups and attempt push ups.

I ate a protein bar about an hour before my workout; i don't know if it was this that made the difference or just that i was feeling better today?? Who knows, but I'm glad i did it because now I'm feeling great again.

My main concern now is that my "abs" (stomach muscles) are really weak and my arms too....so that I might not benefit from the exercises like more fit people, so I'm going to work on these alongside the insanity workouts- I really think that this workout is made for people who already have a certain level of fitness (as I said before)

Having said this, I do feel that even in 4 days I am making progress with my body. The stretches feel easier. My bum feels tighter. My thighs seem stronger. The whole regime does not seem quite so daunting.
Oh and my lower back pain has really subsided- I think it might be getting stronger??
I'm so desperate to see the results that i feel really impatient!! and i want it to happen FAST. I guess i need to wait a few weeks to notice any real muscles emerging!!